Chadlia JERAD

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Born on June 11th, 1979, in Tunis, Tunisia


Professional email: chadlia dot jerad at ensi-uma dot tn

Personal email: chadlia dot jerad at gmail dot com






Challenger, in continuous quest for learning, creating and evolving. Embedded systems engineering and research passionate. Positive impact driven.


Research interests


Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Real Time Systems, Model Checking, Formal Methods.




May 2008

Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

Topic: Contribution to the description and formal verification of software architectures based on rewriting logic: Application to real-time systems.

Keywords: software architecture, rewriting logic, model checking, real-time systems

Distinction: Very honorable



Jul 2003

Master's degree in Automatic and Signal Processing, ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

Topic: Deductive databases analysis tool based on extended predicate Petri nets

Keywords: logical programming, deductive databases, Petri nets extension



Jul 2002

Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering, ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia



Professional experience


Sep 2023 - now

Associate Professor

National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), University of Manouba, Tunisia

Department: SRSI

Oct 2022 -

Aug 2023

Visiting Scholar at EECS department, UC Berkeley

Faculty: Prof. Edward A. Lee

Joined the Lingua Franca project



Nov 2021 - Aug 2022

Consultant in Embedded Engineering

iCompass: A leading AI Tunisian startup specialized in NLP


-         Design and Development of the Voice Push platform

-         Design and Development of a holographic agent



Sep 2009 - Aug 2022

Associate Professor

National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), University of Manouba, Tunisia

Department: SRSI


-         Teaching classes (Classes 1, 2, and 3 are taught in English language. The contents are based on EECS 149/249A at UC Berkeley, as I have the instructor account)

.1      Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT: 5th level

.2      Programming Connected Objects Computer: 5th level

.3      Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: 2nd level MSs in Computer Science

.4      Computer Architecture: 3rd level

.5      Introduction to Embedded Systems: 4th level. Responsible for the module coordination among involved faculty members.

.6      Microprocessor Design: 4th level. Responsible for the module coordination among involved faculty members.

.7      Parallel Programming: 5th level

.8      Real-Time Systems 4th level. Responsible for the module coordination among involved faculty members.

-         Supervising graduation internships, projects, and Master research thesis

-         Serving as jury member for graduation internships, projects, and Master research theses

-         Helping with the technical, administrative, as well as pedagogic activities within the institution



Sep 2014 - Aug 2020

Coordinator of the -Embedded Software and Systems- Specialization

National School of Computer Sciences, University of Manouba, Tunisia


-         Establish short term as well as and long-term strategies,

-        Update the list of the 5th level classes of the specialization,

-         Promote the specialization among students and companies,

-         Establish connections with industrial partners, universities and labs abroad,

-         Invite foreign professors,

-         Organize workshops, etc.



Jan 2018 - Mar 2018

Internships director

National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), University of Manouba, Tunisia



Jan 2018


Jan 2019

Invited lecturer

Class: Sensors, Networks and Internet of Things

Target audience: 2nd level MsS Signals, Systems and Data

ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia



Fall 2017


Fall 2019

Invited lecturer

Class: Embedded systems

Target audience: 5th level

Tunisia Polytechnic School (EPT), University of Carthage, Tunisia



Sep 2016 --

Aug 2017

Fulbright Visiting Scholar at EECS department, UC Berkeley

Sabbatical leave



Sep 2007 -

Aug 2009

Assistant Professor

Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Sousse, Tunisia

Classes: Computer Architecture (2nd level), Digital Circuits (1st level)



Sep 2003 -- Aug 2007

Assistant Professor (Contractor)

National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Tunisia

Classes: Computer Architecture (3rd level), Algorithms and C/C++ Programming (3rd level)



May -Sep 2003


Department of electronic security

Mediterranean services, Tunis, Tunisia



Professional achievements, awards and fellowships


Mar 2019

Attending Dagstuhl Seminar 19101 on "Analysis, Design, and Control of Predictable Interconnected Systems", Germany




Jury member of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarships



Mar 2018

Nominated to the 1st edition (2018) of -100 Future Leaders- by the ITES (Tunisia Institute of Strategic Studies)



Aug 2017

Portrait of the month (August 2017): by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Tunis



Sep 2016 - Aug 2017

Fellowship: Fulbright Visiting Scholar at EECS Department, University of California Berkeley

iCyPhy Research Cente, Faculty: Prof. Edward A. Lee

Joined the Accessors project




Program Committee member of RTSS (since 2021), ICCCI 2022, ITSIS 2022, TCRS 2023,...



chairing and organizing



Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "The Cyber and the Physical Symbiosis (CyPhySym)"

Including: -Thematic Session on -The Cyber and the Physical Symbiosis- (link)

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: TU Dresden, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "IoT Innovation Challenge (IoTIC)"

Including: Participation in the -Bosch Sensortec IoT Innovation Challenge-

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: HS-Offenburg, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Engineering Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (EngCPS&IoT)"

Including: -Online Seminar Series on -Design and Programming Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT applications- (link)

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: TU Dresden, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "5 Years and More Generations of Fruitful Collaboration in IoT (5G+IoT)"

Including: Organization of the 3rd edition of -IoT Hackathon-

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: HS-Offenburg, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Drylands "

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: University of Hamburg, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Embedded parallel programming in practice, teaching and research"

Including: A round table discussion on -Research landscape and opportunities for technology transfer-, helt at ENSI, on Dec. 3rd, 2019

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: TU Dresden, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Continued Collaboration for IoT (ContIoT)"

Including: Organization of the 2nd edition of -IoT Hackathon-

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: HS-Offenburg, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Realizing IoT: in Business and Engineering (RealIoT)"

Including: Organization of the 1st edition of -IoT Hackathon-

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: HS-Offenburg, Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia




Co-chair/Org. Committee of the "Get-together towards a sustainable collaboration in IoT"

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: HS-Offenburg and TU Dresden (ZIH and cfaed), Germany & University of Manouba, Tunisia



Nov 2014

Co-chair/Org. Committee of "Design and Applications of Multi-Processors System on Chip" winter school

Venue: Tunis, Tunisia

Funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) under Transformation Program Line 2

Partners: Cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany & ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia



Professional STAYS abroad & Grants


Oct 2022 -- Jun 2023

Visiting Scholar at EECS Department, University of California Berkeley

iCyPhy Research Center, Faculty: Prof. Edward A. Lee

Joined the Lingua Franca project



-Nov 2021

Research stay at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -The Cyber and the Physical Symbiosis (CyPhySym)"



-Aug 2021

Research stay at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -The Cyber and the Physical Symbiosis (CyPhySym)"



-Sep 2021

Research stay at ivESK, HS Offenburg, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -IoT Innovation Challenge (IoTIC)-



-Aug 2020

Research stay at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -Engineering Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (EngCPS&IoT)"



-Jul 2019

Research stay at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -Embedded parallel programming in practice, teaching and research-






-Jul 2019

Research stay at ivESK, HS Offenburg, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -Continued Collaboration for IoT (ContIoT)-



-Mai 2019

Research stay at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -Embedded parallel programming in practice, teaching and research-




-Mai 2018

Research stay at ivESK, HS Offenburg, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: -Realizing IoT: in Business and Engineering (RealIoT)-



-Apr 2018

Visiting Professor at cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany



Sep 2016 - Aug 2017

Fellowship: Fulbright Visiting Scholar at EECS Department, University of California Berkeley

iCyPhy Research Center, Faculty: Prof. Edward A. Lee

Joined the Accessors project



-Mar 2016

Visiting Professor at ivESK, HS Offenburg and ZIH & cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany

As part of the co-chaired project: Get-together towards a sustainable collaboration in IoT



Jun-Jul 2013

Grant: "Association MedLink"

Research stay at the "Conservatoire National des Arts et M-tiers", Paris, France



Apr-Jun 2006

Scholarship: "Bourse en alternance-, Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia

Research stay at the Conservatoire National des Arts et M-tiers, Paris, France



May-Jun 2005

Scholarship: "Bourse en alternance-, Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia

Research stay at the Conservatoire National des Arts et M-tiers, Paris, France



Oct 2004

Scholarship: "Bourse en alternance-, Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia

Research stay at the Conservatoire National des Arts et M-tiers, Paris, France



Jul-Aug 2001

Internship: IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) exchange

Internship at Power Public Corporation, Athens, Greece



Talks, presentations & posters


Jul 2021

1st Talk: -Cyber Physical Systems & Internet of Things-

2nd Talk: -Example applications and Innovation Frameworks-

Chinese & Tunisian Innovation Challenge, part of the 2nd edition of -One Belt One Road: Global Digital Online Study 2021-.



Jan 2021

Talk: -Cyber Physical Systems & Internet of Things-

Chinese & Tunisian Innovation Challenge, part of the 1st edition of -One Belt One Road: Global Digital Online Study 2021-.



Jun 2018

Talk: -A browser for Things: using the Accessors software architecture-

ivESK-Kolleg, HS-Offenburg, Germany.



Apr 2018

Talk: -A browser for Things: using the Accessors software architecture-

Chair for Compiler Construction, cfaed, TU Dresden, Germany.



Oct 2017

Poster: "Augmented Reality with Accessors"

By: Matt Weber, Edward A. Lee, Christopher Brooks, Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Beth Osyk

TerraSwarm 2017 Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA (link)



May 2017

Presentation: -Running Accessors On Mobile Devices Using Cordova"

By: Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Matt Weber,

The Ptolemy Group- Lunch, Berkeley, CA (link)



Apr 2017

Presentation: "Mutable Accessors & Deterministic Temporal Semantics"

The Ptolemy Group Lunch, Berkeley, CA (link)



Nov 2016

Presentation: "Tutorial on Maude"

The Ptolemy Group Lunch, Berkeley, CA (link)



Sep 2016

Presentation: -Bringing Swarmlets into River Styx-

The Ptolemy Group Lunch, Berkeley, CA



Apr 2015

Invited talk: -Model checking architectural descriptions: software and hardware-

ZIH Colloquium, TU-Dresden, Germany (link)



E. R. Jellum, S. Lin, P. Donovan, C. Jerad, E. Wang, M. Lohstroh, E. A. Lee, and M. Schoeberl. 2023. "InterPRET: a Time-predictable Multicore Processor", 1st Workshop on Time-Centric Reactive Software at CPS-IoT Week '23.

H. Bouraoui, C. Jerad, O. Romdhani, and J. Castrillon. 2022. "MAPN: Modeling, Analysis, and Exploration of Algorithmic and Parallelism Adaptivity". ArXiv. /abs/2207.07591

M. Abou Messaad, C. Jerad, and A. Sikora. 2021. "AI Approaches for IoT Security Analysis". Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Applications, Springer, pp. 47-70. 2021.

H. Bouraoui, C. Jerad, and J. Castrillon. 2021. Towards Adaptive multi-Alternative Process Network. Proceedings of the 12th and 10th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures and Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms (PARMA-DITAM 2021).

M. Lohstroh, H. Kim, J. C. Eidson, C. Jerad, B. Osyk and E. A. Lee. 2019. "On Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Important Things,". in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 27244-27256, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2901509.

H. Bouraoui, J. Castrillon, and C. Jerad. 2019. Comparing Dataflow and OpenMP Programming for Speaker Recognition Applications. In Proceedings of the 10th and 8th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures and Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms (PARMA-DITAM 2019). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 1-6. DOI:

C. Jerad and E.A. Lee. 2018. "Deterministic Timing for the Industrial Internet of Things" In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Internet (ICII), Bellvue, WA, Oct. 21-23, 2018.

C. Brooks, C. Jerad, H. Kim, E.A. Lee, M. Lohstroh, V. Nouvellet, B. Osyk, M. Weber. 2018. "A Component Architecture for the Internet of Things", in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 106, no. 9, pp. 1527-1542, Sept. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2018.2812598

C. Jerad and E.A. Lee. 2017. "A JavaScript Extension Providing Deterministic Temporal Semantics for the Internet of Things", EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2017-136, August 3, 2017.

H. Bouraoui, C. Jerad, A. Chattopadhyay, and NB Hadj-Alouane. 2017. "Hardware Architectures for Embedded Speaker Recognition Applications: A Survey". ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. vol. 16(3), April 2017, 28 pages. DOI:

M.B.M Masmoudi, C. Jerad, R. Attia, "On-the-Fly Architecture Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereovision System". In: Blanc-Talon J., Distante C., Philips W., Popescu D., Scheunders P. (eds) Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. ACIVS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10016. Springer, Cham

A. Louati, K. Barkaoui, and C. Jerad, "Time properties Verification of UML/MARTE Real-Time Systems," IEEE Workshop on Formal Methods Integration (IEEE FMi), 2014.

A. Louati, K. Barkaoui, and C. Jerad, "Temporal Properties Verification of Real-Time Systems Using UML/MARTE/OCL-RT," Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer, Kacprzyk Janusz, ed., Springer Verlag., 2014, pp. 1-15.

A. Louati, C. Jerad, and K. Barkaoui, "Formalization and Verification of Hierarchical Use of Interaction Overview Diagrams Using Timing Diagrams," International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering, vol. 3(3), 2013, pp. 205-211.

A. Louati, C. Jerad, and K. Barkaoui, "On CPN-based verification of hierarchical formalization of UML 2 Interaction Overview Diagrams," 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), 2013, pp. 1-6.

A. Louati, K. Barkaoui, and C. Jerad, "Formalization and Verification of Hierarchical Use of Interaction Overview Diagrams," ICSSEA, 2012.

C. Jerad, K. Barkaoui, and A. Grissa Touzi, "On the Use of Real-Time Maude for Architecture Description and Verification: A Case Study," Visions of Computer Science - BCS International Academic Conference, 2008.


C. Jerad, K. Barkaoui, and A. Grissa Touzi, "On the Design and Analysis of Real-time Systems," 22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA), 2007.

C. Jerad, K. Barkaoui, and A. Grissa Touzi, "Hierarchical Verification in Maude of LfP Software Architectures," Software Architecture, F. Oquendo, ed., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 156-170.

C. Jerad, K. Barkaoui, and A. Grissa Touzi, "Vers une vérification hiérarchique des architectures logicielles", 7èmes Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique (GEI'07), 2007.

C. Jerad, K. Barkaoui, and A. Grissa Touzi, "Vérification des architectures des systèmes distribués par utilisation du LTL model checker de Maude," 8ème Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'06), 2006, pp. 99-106.

C. Jerad and K. Barkaoui, "On the use of rewriting logic for verification of distributed software architecture description based LfP," 16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP 2005), 2005, pp. 202-208.

A. Grissa Touzi, C. Jerad, and K. Barkaoui, "Nouvelle Approche pour la Définition et la Manipulation de la Négation par les Programmes Stratifiés", Les Annales Maghrébines de l'Ingénieur, vol. 2, 2005, pp. 587-599.

C. Jerad, A. Grissa-touzi, and H. Ounelli, "New approach for Manipulation of Stratified Programs," World Enformatika Conference (WEC'05), 2005, pp. 252-255.

C. Jerad, A. Grissa-touzi, and H. Ounelli, "STRPRO Tool for Manipulating Stratified Programs Based on SEPN," World Enformatika Conference (WEC'05), 2005, pp. 252-255.

C. Jerad, A. Grissa Touzi, and K. Barkaoui, "Définition d'un Générateur de Systèmes Experts Basé sur les Réseaux à Prédicats," 4èmes Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique (GEI'04), 2004.



skills & Certificates


Technical skills

Programming languages: JavaScript, C, JAVA

Scripting languages: Python

Version control: Git, SVN

Topics: ARM Programming, Model Checking, Hardware Architecture, Timed automata, Embedded Systems, Rewriting Logic, Software Architecture

Design Tools and frameworks: Accessors, Ptolemy II, Node-Red, Lingua Franca TensorFlow



Technical continuous growth

May 2021: Coursera completed course (w/o certificate) "Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore", by Google AR & VR, Grade Achieved: 100%

May 2020: Coursera certificate: "Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning", by, Grade Achieved: 99.28%

Jan 2019: 1-day training "LoRa Ecosystem - Networking and Workshop", at SUP'COM, Tunisia



Personal growth

2021: Coursera uncompleted courses:

-     Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills, by University of Michigan

-     Learning how to learn, by Deep Teaching Solutions

Oc. 2019: 1-day training on Interviews: a method to collect data during the research process. By Christian Achrainer (funded by DAAD ((German Academic Exchange Service))

Apr 2019: 1-day training on "Effective Cooperation in Teams", by Sonja Drewes (funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service))

Sep 2018: 2-days Training for mentors: "Lean Startup and customer development", by Bob Dorf (second serial entrepreneur worldwide), organized by Open Startup Tunisia

Oct 2018: 1-day training on "Self-management", by Heba Salama (funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service))

Nov 2017: 1-day training on "Pre-Empting & Managing Conflicts", by Heba Selim (funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service))




Arabic (mother tongue)

English (fluent)

French (fluent)




volunteering and Services


2010 - Now

Assisting students in their extra-curricular activities (technically, logistically and strategically), precisely: Club Robotique ENSI, Competitive Programming Club, and Open Source Software ENSI Club

Providing unformal supervision and mentoring to students



Mar 2020

Mentoring students: Hackathon within the International Winter School "IoT meets AI", organized by the SUP'COM's IEEE Student Branch



Oct-Nov 2018

Mentoring students: Open Startup Tunisia competition




Volunteering at Cragmont Elementary School, Berkeley, CA



1997 - 2005

Youth leader and coordinator in the Astronomy club of the Tunisian Association of Youths and Science (AJST): animations, Astronomy trainings organization, Astronomy events organization



1999 - 2001

Founder and Treasurer of "Andromeda Astronomy Club" at the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia



1997 - 1999

Founder and General-secretary of "Astronomy Club" at the Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Tunis (IPEIT), Tunisia




Heavy metal, Astronomy, Do-It-Yourself, Boxing